“Never Left” is a short film directed and written by my colleague, Adia Tay Yan Tze for the final year project of 2016. Her film centers around a character named Mark Han who learns a tale of persevering love which motivates him to do the same while caring for his Alzheimer’s-ridden father after his mother’s death.Bachelor of Fine Art
This report is on the documentation of Adam short film. It shares the stages of pre-production, to p...
My Final Year Project is a 3D animated short film named ‘Do Not Disturb!’ collaborating with my grou...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...
The Final Year Project, “Never Left”, is a narrative short film that explores the notions of the Alz...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This report is meant to document the year-long process of making the short film “The Pieces We Keep”...
A process of the director's journey in making of the film Han from conceptualising to post productio...
Seamless production design allows viewers to be fully invested in the characters and narrative, and ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Restart is a 18 minutes 53 seconds drama short film produced by Convoluted Films as a final-year pro...
The film is an exploration of the fraying relationship between Ah Hock and his son as a result of th...
This reports serves as a reflection on my experience working on the short film, Han. It gives an ins...
Keep Mum: Short Film (Narrative) - “Keep Mum” is a short film about a husband and father called Shen...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This report is on the documentation of Adam short film. It shares the stages of pre-production, to p...
My Final Year Project is a 3D animated short film named ‘Do Not Disturb!’ collaborating with my grou...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...
The Final Year Project, “Never Left”, is a narrative short film that explores the notions of the Alz...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This report is meant to document the year-long process of making the short film “The Pieces We Keep”...
A process of the director's journey in making of the film Han from conceptualising to post productio...
Seamless production design allows viewers to be fully invested in the characters and narrative, and ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Restart is a 18 minutes 53 seconds drama short film produced by Convoluted Films as a final-year pro...
The film is an exploration of the fraying relationship between Ah Hock and his son as a result of th...
This reports serves as a reflection on my experience working on the short film, Han. It gives an ins...
Keep Mum: Short Film (Narrative) - “Keep Mum” is a short film about a husband and father called Shen...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This report is on the documentation of Adam short film. It shares the stages of pre-production, to p...
My Final Year Project is a 3D animated short film named ‘Do Not Disturb!’ collaborating with my grou...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...